Love Is All Around Wet Wet Wet

Dfeel it in my Emfingers

GI feel it Ain y toDesEm,G,A

When Dove is all aEmiround me

GAnd so the Afeeling gDrowsEm,G,A

It's written on the wind

It's everywhere I go

Oh,if you reallz love me

Come on and let it show

You Gknow I love you

I Emalways will

My Gmind's made up

By the Dway that I feel

There's Gno beginning

There'll Embe no end

'Cos Emon mz love

You Acan depend

I see your face before me

As I lay on my bed

I kinda get to thinking

Of all the things you said

Oh,yes I did

You give your promise to me

And I give mine to you

I need someone beside me

In everzthing I do

Oh,yes I do

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  • Anonimowy Użytkownik
    Super! Akordy - spoko. Akurat na festiwal językowy
    · Report · 10 years ago
  • Yindywiduum
    Ale jak się tekst zna, to wystarczą same chwyty :D
    Cudne =D
    · Report · 14 years ago
  • catek94
    trochę nie czytelne -.-
    · Report · 15 years ago