Wild Horse Warren Zeiders

Lyrics and guitar chords

  • Guitar chords Novice The Tonal Key E♭
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D G / D G / D G / D G

Zwrotka 1
GWell it's time to move Dalong I guGess
Everything I Dlove I leave beGhind
Standing in a Dfield out GWest
One thing on my Dheart one on my Gmind
She Drolls like the thundeGr flys like the wind
DOut where the river Gdon't end
I Dburned all the bridges Gleft in my life
DAin't coming back aGgain

This cowboy's Gall aDlone
Ridin' Adown that old two lane
The whiskey Ggoes down Dslow
So close your Aeyes and grab the reins
All the Bmmiles and the tears
Through Athe long hard years
Like a Gdust storm I'm heading DNorth
I spent my life Emchasin'
A Awild, wild Dhorse G 

D / G / |

Zwrotka 2
GWas born into a Dlifelong Gcurse
She whispers in my Dear late every Gnight
The liquor doesn't Dquench my Gthirst
It doesn't change a Dthing how hard I Gfight
She's Dcold as the WinterG out on the plains
Like Dfootsteps on Gfrozen ground
DNothing can break her, Gno one can tame
DSomething that can't Gbe found

This cowboy's Gall aDlone
Ridin' Adown that old two lane
The whiskey Ggoes down Dslow
So close your Aeyes and grab the reins
All the Bmmiles and the tears
Through Athe long hard years
Like a Gdust storm I'm heading DNorth
I spent my life Emchasin'
A Awild, wild hoBm--------Arse

G22 years Driding back and Bmfo--rth A 
I Gthrew it all away Don a wild hoBm------Arse  G 

This cowboy's Gall aDlone
Ridin' Adown that old two lane
The whiskey Ggoes down Dslow
So close your Aeyes and grab the reins
All the Bmmiles and the tears
Through Athe long hard years
Like a Gdust storm I'm heading DNorth
I spent my life Emchasin'
AOh, a wild, wild DhorseG 

D / G /

GIt's time to move aDlong I Gguess
Everything I Dlove I leave beGhind

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Artur Kasperski
Artur Kasperski