Heavy Pour Warren Zeiders

Lyrics and guitar chords

  • Guitar chords Novice The Tonal Key E♭
=============== Strojenie obniżone o pół tonu w dół (Dis Gis Cis Fis B dis) ============


Zwrotka 1
Yeah I Etold you beAfore
And I'll tell you aEgain

This life I live
Has been Aforged

In a backwoods fire
With some hallowed Ewind

So Dwhen I walk through that Adoor
Get me a heavy Epour

I've had a Elong damn day

I'm a grown ass man
Don't Dcare about the jukebox

Don't give a damn
AOnly plan is let the hell hounds run toEnight

EI've been down and I've been up
I've Dbeen through hell and I've had enough
So Awhen I walk through that Edoor
Get me a heavy Epour

EWooh ooh Dooh
AOoh ooh Eooh

DWhen I walk through that Adoor
Get me a heavy Epour

I've had a Elong damn day

I'm a grown ass man
Don't Dcare about the jukebox

Don't give a damn
AOnly plan is let the hell hounds run toEnight

EI've been down and I've been up
I've Dbeen through hell and I've had enough
So Awhen I walk through that Edoor
Get me a heavy Epour

DWhen I walk through that Adoor
Get me a heavy Epour

============== Strojenie klasyczne (E A D G H e) kapodaster 1 próg ====================


Zwrotka 1
Yeah I Dtold you beGfore
And I'll tell you aDgain

This life I live
Has been Gforged

In a backwoods fire
With some hallowed Dwind

So Cwhen I walk through that Gdoor
Get me a heavy Dpour

I've had a Dlong damn day

I'm a grown ass man
Don't Ccare about the jukebox

Don't give a damn
GOnly plan is let the hell hounds run toDnight

DI've been down and I've been up
I've Cbeen through hell and I've had enough
So Gwhen I walk through that Ddoor
Get me a heavy Dpour

DWooh oohC ooh
GOoh ooh Dooh

CWhen I walk through that Gdoor
Get me a heavy Dpour

I've had a Dlong damn day

I'm a grown ass man
Don't Ccare about the jukebox

Don't give a damn
GOnly plan is let the hell hounds run toDnight

DI've been down and I've been up
I've Cbeen through hell and I've had enough
So Gwhen I walk through that Ddoor
Get me a heavy Dpour

CWhen I walk through that Gdoor
Get me a heavy Dpour

============== Strojenie klasyczne (E A D G H e) kapodaster 3 próg ====================


Zwrotka 1
Yeah I Ctold you beFfore
And I'll tell you aCgain

This life I live
Has been Fforged

In a backwoods fire
With some hallowed Cwind

So A#when I walk through that Fdoor
Get me a heavy Cpour

I've had a Clong damn day

I'm a grown ass man
Don't A#care about the jukebox

Don't give a damn
FOnly plan is let the hell hounds run toCnight

CI've been down and I've been up
I've A#been through hell and I've had enough
So Fwhen I walk through that Cdoor
Get me a heavy Cpour

CWooh oohA# ooh
FOoh ooh Cooh

A#When I walk through that Fdoor
Get me a heavy Cpour

I've had a Clong damn day

I'm a grown ass man
Don't A#care about the jukebox

Don't give a damn
FOnly plan is let the hell hounds run toCnight

CI've been down and I've been up
I've A#been through hell and I've had enough
So Fwhen I walk through that Cdoor
Get me a heavy Cpour

A#When I walk through that Fdoor
Get me a heavy Cpour

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Artur Kasperski
Artur Kasperski