Pojaton Varttina


  • Song lyrics Jaruszka
Ei oltu miule mietitty
ei aiottu ollenkaan

Ei oltu miule mietitty
ei aiottu ollenkaan
Pereheeseen pienta lasta
kehtoon lasta keinumaan

Toiset lasta liekuttaa
lapsen unnen uuvuttaa
Mie polonen pojaton
mie onneton osaton
Lintuista ei luoja luonut

kuvajaistani koonnut
Ainokaista ei antanut
lasta pienta luvannut

Toiset lasta liekuttaa
lapsen uneen uuvuttaa
Mie polonen pojaton
mie onneton osaton...

No child was I destined to bear,
twas not my fate at all

No child was I destined to bear,
twas not my fate at all

Putting me in the family way
giving me a baby to cradle

Other girls have a babe to rock
to gently rock to sleep
oh woe is me, a sonless maid
oh woe is me, poor misfortune

Not for me did the Lord create
a little one in my image

Not little dear one all my own has
the Lord in his goodness promised

Other girls have a babe to rock
to gently rock to sleep
oh woe is me, a sonless maid
oh woe is me, poor misfortune...

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