The Meaninglessness Of Numbers Tom Rosenthal

Lyrics and guitar chords

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I coGuldn't coAunt the maDrks upGon your faDce
LeGft no trDace, the mAoment's gBmone
I coGuldn't cAount the sDteps tGhat it tDook
And aGll the mDoves that lAed to Bmyou
That's the meBmaninglessDness of nEmumbDers to Gme

The oGnes the tAwos the thDrees, fGly with the brDeeze
AmGount to noDne, infAinity plus Bmone
The fGigures Aof the nDews, the bGoundless blDues
A sGecret lDies in evAery sBmoul
That's the mBmeaninglessDness of nEmumbDers to Gme

I coGuldn't coAunt the wDho's, the hGow's, the whDeres
The glGances shDared, the blAinking Bmeye
GOh the mAorning tDrains, the mGidnight pDains
GAll add Dup to mAake a lBmife
That's the mBmeaninglessDness of nEmumbDers to Gme

I coGuldn't coAunt the tDimes, the wiGnes, the nDames
Oh lGife is nDot a nuAmbers gBmame
Give me a mGillion or gAive me Done, I Gdo not cDare
I Gonly cDare that Ait beBmgun
That's the mBmeaninglessDness of nEmumbDers to Gme
That's the mBmeaninglessDness of nEmumbDers to Gme

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