Another First Kiss They Might Be Giants

Lyrics and guitar chords

  • Guitar chords floem
CI'm aGsleep but she's Ftalking Gto me
CShe's walking 'Ground wearing Fall of my cGlothes
CAs she Gruns out of Fthings to Gsay
CAnd grabs my Gcoat to Fwalk aGwaaaay

FHow bout anGother firCst kiss, Emshe says
FHow bout anGother firCst kiss, EmI said
FI want anoGther fAmirst kiss Dlike this
FHow bout anGother firCst kiss.  Em  

COther Gpeople were Ftoo sentiGmental
CAlways Gworrying abFout their Ghair
Got Ctired of Gwasting aFll my Gtime
Now CIm not GworryiFng at Gall

CYou could Gtell me we beFlong toGgether
CAnd I could Gtell you beFlong with Gme
But Cwe've run oGut of thFings to sGay
And Cwell be haGppy FanywGay, so..

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