Still Ill The Smiths

Lyrics and guitar chords

  • Guitar chords meg
I dAmegree today that lFife is simply taGking and not giving
England Amis mine Fand it owes me a Gliving
But ask me Amwhy and i'll sFpit in your eGye
Oh Amask me why anFd i'll spit in your eGye
But Emwe cannot cAmling to the Fold dreams aGnymore
No Emwe cannot cAmling to those drFeams       G 

Does the bAmody rule mFind?
Or does the mGind rule the body?
I dunno   Am      F    G 

Under the Amiron bFridge we kiGssed
And although Ami ended up wFith sore liGps
It just wEmasnt Amlike the old dFays Ganymore
No Emit wasnt Amlike those dFays
AGm i still iAmll? F   G 

Does the Ambody rule the mFind
Or does the miGnd rule the body?

I dunno  Am    F  G 
Ask me Amwhy and I'll dFie   G 
Oh Amask me why aFnd I'll dGie
And if you Emmust go to wAmork toFmorrow  G 
Well if EmI were you AmI wouldn't bFotherG 
For there are brAmighter sides to lFife G 

And I should know because I've seen them
But not very often  Am    F  G 

AmUnder Fthe iron brGidge we kissed
And although Ami ended up wFith sore liGps
It just wEmasnt Amlike the old dFays Ganymore
No Emit wasnt Amlike those dFays
AGm i still iAmll? F   G 

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