Black Velvet band The Dubliners

Lyrics and guitar chords

  • Guitar chords Novice
In a nGeat little town they call Belfast, AppreCnticed to trade I was bDound
And mGany an hour of sweet hapEmpiness, I spCent in that neDat little toGwn
Till sGad misfortune came over me, Which caCused me to stray from the Dland
Far awGay from me friends and relaEmtions, BetCrayed by the BDlack Velvet GBand

Ref. GHer eyes they shone like diamonds, I Cthought her the queen of the lDand
And her hGair it hung over her shoEmulder, tied Cup with the BlDack Velvet BGand

I tGook a stroll down Broadway, meCaning not long for to Dstay
When Gwho should I meet but this pEmretty fair maid came a-tCraipsing alDong the highGway
She Gwas both fair and handsome, her Cneck it was just like a Dswans'
And her hGair it hung over her shoEmulder, Tied Cup with the BlDack Velvet BGand

Ref. GHer eyes they shone like diamonds, I Cthought her the queen of the lDand
And her hGair it hung over her shoEmulder, tied Cup with the BlDack Velvet BGand

I tGook a stroll with this pretty fair maid, And the geCntleman passing us bDy
Well I Gknew she meant the dEmoing of him by the Clook in her roDguish black Geye
A gold Gwatch she took from his pocket, and Cplaced it right into me hDand
And the Gvery next thing that I Emknew was - I've Clanded in DVan Diemen's GLand

Ref. GHer eyes they shone like diamonds, I Cthought her the queen of the lDand
And her hGair it hung over her shoEmulder, tied Cup with the BlDack Velvet BGand

Before Gthe judge and the jury, next mCorning I had to appDear
the jGudge he says to me 'youngEm man, your Ccase it is Dproven Gclear'
We'll Ggive you seven years of penal servitude, to be sCpent far away from the Dland.
Far aGway from your friends and comEmpanions, BetCrayed by the DBlack Velvet GBand

Ref. GHer eyes they shone like diamonds, I Cthought her the queen of the lDand
And her hGair it hung over her shoEmulder, tied Cup with the BlDack Velvet BGand

So come Gall ye jolly young fellows, a wCarning take by Dme
When you Gare out on the Emtown me boys, BeCware of the Dpretty colGleens
For Gthey'll feed you with strong drinks "More Yeah", tCill you are unable to Dstand
And the Gvery next thing that you Emknow is, You've Clanded in VDan Diemen'Gs Land

Ref. GHer eyes they shone like diamonds, I Cthought her the queen of the lDand
And her hGair it hung over her shoEmulder, tied Cup with the BlDack Velvet BGand

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