Saturn Sleeping At Last

Lyrics and guitar chords

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YouEm taught me the cCourage of sGtars before youD left
How lEmight carries Con endlessGly, even after deDath
With sEmhortness of bCreath, you explGained the infiDnite
How rEmare and beautCiful it Gis to even exDist

I couldn't help buEmt ask for you to say it allC again
I tried to write it dGown, but I could never find a pDen
I'd give anything to hEmear you say it one more Ctime
That the universe was mGade just to be seen by my eDyes

With Emshortness of bCreath, I'll exGplain the infiDnite

How rEmare and beautCiful it truly Gis that we exiDst.

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