North Sleeping At Last

Lyrics and guitar chords

  • Guitar chords floem
We will cGall this plCace our hGome
The dirt in wGhich our Croots may Ggrow
Though the Emstorms will Cpush and Gpull
We will Emcall this pClace our Ghome

We'll tell ourG stories oCn these Gwalls
Every yGear, meaCsure how Gtall
And just Emlike a wCork of aGrt
We'll tell ourEm stories Con these Gwalls

Let the Cyears we're Ghere be Emkind, be kDind
Let our Chearts, like dGoors, open Emwide, open wGide
Settle our bCones like wGood oAmver time, oveEmr time
Give us bGread, give us sDalt, give us Gwine

A little bGroken, a Clittle Gnew
We are the iGmpact and Cthe gGlue
CapabEmle of more Cthan we kGnow
We call this Emfixer uCpper hoGme

With each Gyear, our cColor faGdes
Slowly, oGur paint cChips aGway
But we will fCind the strDength and the neCrve it tGakes
To repGaint and repGaint and repGaint eDvery dGay

Let the yCears we're hGere beEm kind, be Dkind
Let our Chearts, like Gdoors, open Emwide, open wGide
Settle our Cbones like wGood oveAmr time, ovEmer time
Give us bGread, give us sDalt, give us wGine

Let the yCears we're hGere beEm kind, be Dkind
Let our Chearts, like Gdoors, open Emwide, open wGide
Settle our Cbones like wGood oveAmr time, ovEmer time
Give us bGread, give us sDalt, give us wGine
Give us bGread, give us sDalt, give us wGine

Smaller tGhan dust oCn this mGap
Lies the gGreatest tChing we hGave
The dirt in Emwhich our rCoots may gGrow
And the Emright to cCall it Ghome

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