Ein neuer tag (ENG) Nevada Tan


  • Song lyrics
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Without a light in dark corners all alone
My surroundings are growing
But I stay small
Drunk too much and haven't laughed enough
Had nothing to eat and been out all night
Why do I only look up, when nobody's looking?
Why do I only look up, when you have gone away?

The new day starts here
A new hope
A new end in sight
Another chapter
But my part is dying for you
Just let it go, I have to leave!

The memories of the past are overtaking
Night and days I can see your laugh and your cry
Goals of the past decaying into ashes
Goals of my life have cooled down and feel cold
Why do I only look up, when nobody's looking?
Why do I only look up, when you have gone away?

The new day starts here
A new hope
A new end in sight
Another chapter
But my part is dying for you
Just let it go, I have to leave!

I always knew it's tough to be alone
Not to be entwined with you, man
I want to be with you
I always wanted to go all the way with you, but
Now I stand in my own way
Desperate and alone
Screaming at my face in the mirror
Close to crying
Falling apart in front of your gravestone
It's much too tough for me
To hold your death certificate in my hands
I pray for
You to see and feel me
Promise that you will help and touch me!
Because how do I hold on to life
Alone, without being entwined with the most beautiful person of all times?

The new day starts here
A new hope
A new end in sight
Another chapter
But my part is dying for you
Just let it go, I have to leave!

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  • anonim
    Anonymous User
    Miło cię poznać,
    Nazywam się koneh slyvia Miss, Jak szept modlitwy mojej nocy i udał się do poszukiwania przyjaciela na miłe www.wywrota.pl natknąłem kontaktu, mój umysł i moje serce powiedział mi, do skontaktowania się z przyjaźni, przyjaciela, który w pełni zrozumieć jego przyjaciel i razem dzielą się swoimi uczuciami. proszę łaskawie przyjąć mój wniosek, uważam, że odległość lub wiek nie może być barierą, ale niech miłość łączy nas, ponieważ miłość jest most, który połączony oddali się blisko siebie, wyślę moje zdjęcia od razu i otrzymać odpowiedź na mój adres e-mail
    Twój In Love,
    Nice To Meet You,
    My name is Miss slyvia koneh, As I whisper my prayer tonight and went into search for a nice friend at www.wywrota.pl I came across your contact,My mind and my heart told me to contact you for friendship, A friend who truly understand his or her friend and share their feelings together. please kindly accept my request, I believe that distance or age can never be a barrier but let's love connect us because love is a bridge that connected far distance to be close to each other, I will send my pictures to you immediately i receive your reply at my email address
    yours In Love,
    · Report · 13 years ago