New Born Muse


  • Song lyrics s314ryt
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Drop D tuning

Okey dokey folkeys, this is the piano bit all guitarry like so here it is:


Play all that 6 times, but on the last time, for the last bar, just strum
those three notes once - you've heard the song, you know what I mean.

Cool bit (Part I)


Cool bit (part II) play it twice


Then this:
|----------------| That was a pretty important bit, I know.









Chorus (play twice)


Solo: now, for the first 4 bars, do that thing where you put your fingers on
the strings, but don't push them down... I don't know the technical term,
but I'm sure you know what I mean





Repeat Verse
Repeat Chorus

Play cool bit part II 3 times, except on the second time, 7th bar:

3rd time, bars 5 & 6


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