Rozplątani & Radzimir Dębski Małgorzata Kożuchowska


  • Song lyrics Redakcja
Tacy nierozłączni,a tęsknili za sobą...
Chcieli zacząć od nowa nic nie tracąc,
Bez słowa, niebezpiecznie, nie bez przyczyny, odchodzili.

Teraz My, już rozstani, z granicami, z językami.
Odchodzimy, rozplątani, zaplątani, tacy sami.

And I know that now I can figure it out.
Just put the damn drink down, put the cigarette out.
There's a damn thin line, and I can scribble it out.
Cause with you, and without you - I'm good x2

Jesteś sam. Już bezpiecznie. Już beze mnie. Taki sam.
Teraz Ty - jesteś wolny, już się goisz, wiem, że boli...
Ale nikt Cię nie zrani, już nikomu nie pozwolisz.

And I know that now I can figure it out.
Just put the damn drink down, put the cigarette out.
There's a damn thin line, and I can scribble it out.
Cause with you, and without you - I'm good x2

And I know that now I can figure it out.
And I know that now I can figure it out.
Just put the damn drink down, put the cigarette out.
There's a damn thin line, and I can scribble it out.
Cause with you, and without you - I'm good

And I know that now I can figure it out.
Just put the damn drink down, put the cigarette out.
There's a damn thin line, and I can scribble it out.
Cause with you, and without you - I'm good...

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