25 song
- 6Balas
- Antes e Depois da Tempestade
- Ave Expurgo
- Bob
- Botas Verdes de Neon
- BotasVerdesDeNeon.jpg
- Cabelos Arco-íris
- Café Das 6
- Carrinho de Madeira
- Chalé Em Alaska
- Chamas da Vida
- Chuvadesexta.gif
- Homem Torto
- Já Já Chega Dezembro
- Lucy
- Moby Dick
- Morgana
- Rainha Dos Bichos da Floresta
- Rei dos Ratos
- ReiDosRatos
- Robert Johnson
- SuperHeroína
- TristeSatan
- Tsar
- Vermelho Vibrante
There are three artists going by Kamaitachi
1. Rafael Gonçalves, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, better known by the stage name Kamaitachi, began his musical career in 2015. He's inspired by bands like Led Zeppelin. Kamaitachi produces his own music and brings in musical styles such as Indie, Blues and Alternative Rock
2. Kamaitachi (かまいたち) was formed in October 1985 in Kyoto by Ken-chan and Yama-chan, both will be later known as Crazy Danger Nancy Ken-chan and Mogwai respectfully.
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