Unda Da Sea Julia Pietrucha


  • Song lyrics Arek Janicki
    2 favorites
When I left my home
I dove alone
With no one else to share my moan
Entire world has slowly choked

I’m gone and forgotten
With all of my dreams
They slowly seep
Though my fear


Growing up young in ocean’s deep
I’ve always dreamed of having wings
I promised myself I won’t drown this way

I’m gone and forgotten
With all my fears
Finally I break my scales
Grow wings and fly away

Who are we to find the reason why
We’re not the same we used to be
We float until we find another dream

Cause even if the world turns round and round
I’ll hold you under water, under fear
We’re not the same we used to be
We float until we find a way to breathe

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Arek Janicki
Arek Janicki