Living on the Island Julia Pietrucha

Lyrics and ukulele chords

  • Ukulele chords Novice
    15 favorites
FLiving on the island
AmWhere the sun shines bright
DmAnd the people smile
AmThat's what I need
FSo have some sympathy
AmFor me
DmWhy don't we move
AmBut how are we gonna grow without our roots

FI couldn't find the place where I belong
Amfor so long
DmSo I decided to just build a home with you
Amand I'm happy here
Fevery time I think of

FLiving on the island
AmWhere the sun shines bright
DmAnd the people smile
AmThat's what I need
FSo have some sympathy
AmMy dear
DmWhy don't we move
AmBut how are we gonna grow without our roots

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