Still Alive Jonathan Coulton

Lyrics and guitar chords

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D Bm D Bm

This was a Dtriumph,Bm  
D  I'm Bmmaking a Dnote here: Bmhuge sucDcess,Bm  
It's Emhard to overAstate my satisDfaction.Bm   D 
BmAperture DScience,Bm  
D  We Bmdo what we Dmust beBmcause we Dcan,Bm  
EmFor the good of Aall of us, except the A#ones who are dead.

But there's Fno sense Ccrying over A#every misaFke,
You just Fkeep on Ctrying till you A#run out of Fcake.
And the Gmscience gets Cdone and you Fmake a neat Dmgun,
For the A#people who Aare still aDlive.Bm   D  Bm   D  Bm  

D  I'm Bmnot even Dangry,Bm  
D  BmI'm being Dso sinBmcere right Dnow,Bm  
EmEven though you Abroke my heart and Dkilled me.Bm  
D  And Bmtore me to Dpieces,Bm  
D  And Bmthrew every Dpiece inBmto a Dfire,Bm  
EmAs they burned it Ahurt because I was so A#happy for you.

Now these Fpoints of Cdata make a A#beautiful Fline,
And we're Fout of Cbeta, we're reA#leasing on Ftime.
So I'm A#glad I got Cburned, think of Fall the Cthings we Dmlearned,
For the A#people who Aare still aDlive.Bm   D  Bm   D  Bm  

D  BmGo ahead and Dleave me,Bm  
D  I Bmthink I'd preDfer to Bmstay inDside,Bm  
EmMaybe you'll find Asomeone else to Dhelp you.Bm  
D  BmMaybe Black DMesa,Bm  
D  BmThat was a Djoke, haBmha - fat Dchance, Bm  
EmAnyway this Acake is great - it's so deA#licious and moist.

Look at Fme still Ctalking when there's A#science to Fdo,
When I Flook out Cthere it makes me A#glad I'm not Fyou.
I've exA#periments to Crun, there is Fresearch Emto be Dmdone,
On the A#people who Aare still aDlive.Bm  

And beDlieve me I am Bm- still aDlive,Bm  
I'm doing Dscience and I'm Bm- still aDlive,Bm  
I feel fanDtastic and I'm Bm- still aDlive,Bm  
While you're Ddying I'll be Bm- still aDlive,Bm  
And when you're Ddead I will be Bm- still aDlive.Bm  
Still aDlive Bm- still aDlive.

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