Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald Gordon Lightfoot

Lyrics and guitar chords

  • Guitar chords Intermediate
ThAsus2e legend lives on from the EmChippewa on down
Of the Gbig lake Dthey called "GiAsus2tche Gumee"
The lake, it is said, never Emgives up her dead
When the Gskies of NovDember turn gAsus2loomy
With a load of iron ore twenty-sixEm thousand tons more
Than the GEdmund FitzDgerald weighed Asus2empty.
That good ship and crew was aEm bone to be chewed
When the "GGales of NovDember" came eAsus2arly.

The ship was the pride of the AEmmerican side
Coming Gback from sDome mill iAsus2n Wisconsin
As the big freighters go, it was biEmgger than most
With a Gcrew and goDod captain wAsus2ell seasoned
Con cluding some terms with Am cEmouple of steel firms
When they Gleft fully Dloaded for Asus2Cleveland
And later that night when theEm ship's bell rang
Could it Gbe the north Dwind they'd been Asus2feelin'?

The wind in the wires made aEm tattle-tale sound
And a Gwave broke Dover the Asus2railing
And every man knew, as theEm captain did too,
T'was the Gwitch of NovDember come sAsus2tealin'
The dawn came late and theEm breakfast had to wait
When the GGales of NovDember came sAsus2lashin'.
When afternoon came it wasEm freezin' rain
In the Gface of a Dhurricane Asus2west wind.

When suppertime came, the oldEm cook came on deck
Sayin’, "GFellas, it's Dtoo rough to Asus2feed ya."
At Seven P.M. a mainEm hatchway caved in',
He said "GFellas, it's Dbeen good t'Asus2know ya"
The captain wired in he had Emwater comin' in
And the Ggood ship and Dcrew was in Asus2peril.
And later that night when 'isEm lights went outta sight
Came the Gwreck of the DEdmund FitzgAsus2erald.

Does any one know where the Emlove of God goes
When the Gwaves turn the Dminutes to Asus2hours?
The searchers all say they'd haveEm made Whitefish Bay
If they'd Gput fifteen more Dmiles behAsus2ind her.  A 
They might have split up or theyEm might have capsized;
They Gmay have broke Ddeep and took Asus2water.
And all that remains is theEm faces and the names
Of the Gwives and the Dsons and the Asus2daughters.

Lake Huron rolls, SupEmerior sings
In the Grooms of her Dice-water Asus2mansion.
Old Michigan steams like aEm young man's dreams;
The Gislands and Dbays are for Asus2sportsmen.
And farther below Lake OnEmtario
Takes Gin what Lake DErie can Asus2send her,
And the iron boats go as theEm mariners all know
with the GGales of NovDember remAsus2embered.

In a musty old hall in DeEmtroit they prayed,
In the "GMaritime DSailors' CatAsus2hedral."
The church bell chimed till it rangEm twenty-nine times
For each Gman on the DEdmund FitzgAsus2erald.
The legend lives on from theEm Chippewa on down
Of the Gbig lake they Dcall "Gitche Asus2Gumee".
"Superior", they said, "never Emgives up her dead
When the 'GGales of NovDember' come eAsus2arly!"

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