Song Childrens - Ball toes Foseba


  • Song lyrics Foseba

Ball toes,
ball toes,
No ball nose.
Ball toes,
ball toes,
Trening toes.

When plaedy in ball toes,
Get to know that i'am feeble,
At'now play in tenis table.

Difficulty line live,
but ball toes i'love.

What wor? What wor?
I'am feeble!?

Ball toes,
ball toes,
No ball nose.
Ball toes,
ball toes,
Trening toes

What wor? What wor?
I don't know,unfortu

If i'am playdes again in toes?
I don't known it,unfortunately!
Matchs look now in telly!

Difficulty line live,
but ball toes i'love.

What wor?What wor?
I'am feeble.

Ball toes...

What wor?What wor?
None my no want?

Prosperity myselw;
,,no i'am alone"!

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