Ewa Braun
27 song
- 1692
- 40 sec.
- AIDS (A.I.D.S.)
- Atomowa elektrownia
- Ciężka piątka
- Dwaj ojcowie
- Ewa Braun
- Fire
- From here to eternity
- III rzesza-pospolita
- Kamienny krzyż
- Last friday
- M.L. King
- Mów mi Allie
- Muzyka z księżyca
- Niebo
- Ogień
- Ptaki Czują Jesień
- Resurrection
- Samochodem i domem zajęła się policja
- Stąd do wieczności
- Ucieczka
- W drodze
- Właściwy powód
- Zeszły piątek
- Ziemia
- Zmartwychwstanie
Ewa Braun
Ewa Braun is a Polish band formed in 1990. Their first demo tape was recorded after some time of rehearsing and was quite controversial. The demo was titled Pierwsza Kobieta (The First Woman), a phrase that has been taken from a sports magazine. The tape was issued by the band itself.
During the next two years the band played 5 concerts and managed to compose at least 2,5 hours of music, 30 minutes of which was recorded in the form of the second demo tape
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7 song