Everybody's Fool Evanescence

Normal Tuning

Chords Used:

D5-5- C5-3- A#5-1-
-5- -3- -1-
-7- -5- -3-
-7- -5- -3-
-5- -3- -1-
-5- -3- -1-

D5Perfect by naturA#5e, iconC5s of self-indulgence
D5Just what we all need
More lA#5ies abouC5t a world that

D5Never was A#5and neC5ver will be
D5Have you noA#5 shame, doC5n't you see me?
A#5You know you've goD5t everybody fooled.

D5Look here she comes now -
Bow down A#5and stareC5 in wonder.
D5Oh, how we love you
Too badA#5 we didC5n't know she -

D5Never was A#5and neC5ver will be
D5You don't kA#5now hoC5w you betrayed me
And A#somehow you've got evD5erybody fooled.

Individually Pick Chords (Randomly):

D5Without the mask
Where B5will you C5hide?
D5Can't find yourself,
A#5LostC5 in your lies
D5I know the truth now
B5I know who C5you are
D5And I donA#5't lC5ove you anymore

D5Never was A#5and neC5ver will be
D5You don't kA#5now hoC5w you betrayed me
And A#5somehow you've goD5t everybody fooled.

D5Never was A#5and neC5ver will be
D5Not for reA#5al that C5you can save me
And A#5somehow now you're D5everybody's fool.

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