A Permanent Hug From You Dodie Clark

5 years ago
This song has one published interpretation
Instrument: Ukulele



CThanks so much for a beautiful night
FThat’s okay, hope you get back alright, in fact
CIt’s pretty dark, it’s pretty chilly out there

CI’ll be fine I’ll be smiling all the way
FShivering maybe but that’s okay cause
CI’ve got the memories to keep me happy and

D7You came forward, and looked me in the eye
I could G7feel your breath you could hear me sigh

FTaaaake my Cjumper
FWear it, you’ll need it on the train hCome
A#And everyone will G7know
A#That I’ve been loved tonG7ight
A#A permanent G7hug from Cyou

la la la Flaaaaaaa C  F 

CSo here I am My mind is going wild
I’m Fsmelling you constantly, oh the desire
For Cyou to be here like you
Fwere just seconds ago
And CI feel like I’ve stepped out of this world
Into a Fromcom, a novel, cause I am a girl
who’s in Clove,
And I’m wearing your jumper Ftonight.

D7You came forward, and looked me in the eye
I could G7feel your breath you could hear me sigh

FTaaaake my Cjumper
FWear it, you’ll need it on the train hCome
A#And everyone will G7know
A#That I’ve been loved tonG7ight
A#A permanent G7hug from Cyou

la la la Flaaaaaaa C  F 

GI may be alone right Fnow
GBut I’ll soon be in your arms
FAnd not just these material ones
GI’ll be wearing you for Fdays
GUntil once again we will saFy;

CThanks so much for a beautiful night
FThat’s okay, hope you get back alright, in fact
CIt’s pretty dark, it’s pretty chilly out there

D7You came forward, and looked me in the eye
I could G7feel your breath you heard me sigh

FTaaaake my Cjumper
FWear it, you’ll need it on the train hCome
A#And everyone will G7know
A#That I’ve been loved tonG7ight
A#A permanent G7hug from Cyou


A#And everyone will G7know
A#That I’ve been loved tonG7ight
A#A permanent G7hug from Cyou

New Submission +2 -0

Status: Approved
Value: 20 karma points

Votes and comments

  • gosjusz

    Voted to approve with 60 points 5 years ago

  • jastrzef

    Voted to approve with 70 points 5 years ago



New Submission 5 years ago