Forest Dawid Podsiadło

Lyrics and ukulele chords

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I will wait Gm D#
You will find me A# F
In the land Gm D#
Of green gardens A# F

To be forgotten is worse than death Gm D#
If everything's a dream, don't wake me A# F
I've learned so much but there's so much to be learned Gm D#
You're always trying to betray me A# F

All my lies still rumble in my head Gm D#
I cannot tell which one is real A# F
So I'll just choose whatever suits me best Gm D#
And try to win this stupid argument A# F

You can run now, Forrest D# Gm
Run now, Forrest Gm
Run now, Forrest, run F D#

I'm not mad Gm D#
Waiting for love again A# F
In the land Gm D#
Of green gardens A# F

It's pretty hard standing on two feet Gm D#
When the planet keeps on turning A# F
I've probably gathered all the energy Gm D#
To be the man I wanted to be A# F

Haven't I told you, you're my... Gm D#
Well, I've been trying over and over A# F
Haven't I told you, you're my... Gm D#
Haven't I told you, you're my "gone girl" A# F

You can run now, Forrest D# Gm
Run now, Forrest Gm
Run now, Forrest, run F D#

I'll be going now. D# Gm
I'll come back when it's all over. Gm F D#

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