Eight Dawid Podsiadło
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Run they won't worry
You're just a boy caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time
Son this is a different story
I want to change but i don't know if i wanna know that
If you only love her smile
When you're sober
Then you'd never grab that glass again
If you think I will forget what happened
Raise the glass and drink it again
Years have passed- you're calling
I'm cracking up you're tearing me apart at the same time
If you only love her smile
When you're sober
Then you'd never grab that glass again
If you think I will forget what happened
Raise the glass and drink it again
You're just a boy caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time
Son this is a different story
I want to change but i don't know if i wanna know that
If you only love her smile
When you're sober
Then you'd never grab that glass again
If you think I will forget what happened
Raise the glass and drink it again
Years have passed- you're calling
I'm cracking up you're tearing me apart at the same time
If you only love her smile
When you're sober
Then you'd never grab that glass again
If you think I will forget what happened
Raise the glass and drink it again
Most popular songs Dawid Podsiadło
- 1 Mori
- 2 Nieznajomy
- 3 Nie kłami
- 4 Trójkąty i Kwadraty
- 5 To co masz Ty!
- 6 Najnowszy Klip
- 7 Pastempomat
- 8 Trofea
- 9 Małomiasteczkowy
- 10 Nie ma fal
- 11 Milenium
- 12 Matylda
- 13 TAZOSy
- 14 Halo
- 15 Dżins
- 16 WiRUS
- 17 Szarość i Róż
- 18 Bela
- 19 Awejniak
- 20 D I A B L E