31 song
- 1,2,3,4,5,6...
- 1. Signální
- 1970
- 3Pasty
- 7 hříchů
- 7.pád
- Alkohol blues
- Analog
- Andělé strážní
- Artisté
- Asie
- Až nebudu...
- Baletka
- Basama fousama
- Beaty & Rýmy
- Bij mě, tluč mě
- Bylo nebylo
- Cesta
- Chátra
- Chci se bavit
- Chrysler
- Chytrej kluk
- Coura
- Dál...
- Digitálně
- Dlouhej kouř
- Dobrák od kosti
- Doják
- Dopis
- Došlo na mý slova
- Takmer Svätý
There is more than one artist with this name:
1) Chinaski is a czech pop group formed by a leader Michal Malatný. Playing for years, started as a formal "garage rock group", nowadays they are a popular pop group in the Czech Republic.
2) Chinaski is a chilean stoner doom psych band from Curico, Chile.
3) Chinaski (Los Angeles) is also a post-grunge group from California @
4) Chinaski is also a group from the French Riviera.