The Frightening Door Burzinski
The frightening door...
At the back of beyond...
By the wild sea... a faltering choice...
I remain motionless for a long time...
A question of taste...
A question of taste...
Moody tones and antagonism...
Winter snowtime... collapsing walls...
When broken light bulbs still lit,
Brighter after all these years...
A question of taste...
A question of taste...
I don't rely anymore on dice...
Unhappy fates... frightening doors...
Frightening doors...
At the back of beyond...
By the wild sea... a faltering choice...
I remain motionless for a long time...
A question of taste...
A question of taste...
Moody tones and antagonism...
Winter snowtime... collapsing walls...
When broken light bulbs still lit,
Brighter after all these years...
A question of taste...
A question of taste...
I don't rely anymore on dice...
Unhappy fates... frightening doors...
Frightening doors...