Beer in the bar Basshunter


  • Song lyrics nanetka

I'm still smiling like a beer in the bar
I'm staring in the mirror while I'm doing my hair
I'm putting on my clothes
When I go down the stairs
I open up my mini bar
I make myself a drink
I'm not an alcoholic but I know what you think
My mood is getting higher
When it's knocking on my door
It's my party home, boys and girls want to score
And I don't have a time to
Take you for a ride
We are going to a crazy college party tonight

-From Mr. Basshunter to Myspace, come on!-
What if people just gave a damn, about if I made this music with computer programme
I can't play neither drums nor guitar but I'm still smiling like a beer in the bar
I know that's a weird song but who can tell somebody if it's right or wrong
I just want to show what I can do
So sit right back while I'm talking to you
-To all the on-line party people out there!-

Arriving to the party
Everyone is there
We are going to have it awesome, I can feel it in the air
I'm going to the backyard and what do I see?
All the girls are shaking with their asses in front of me
It's not my cup of tea if you know what I mean
What if people just gave a damn, about if I made this music with computer programme
I can't play neither drums nor guitar but I'm still smiling like a beer in the bar

I know that's a weird song but who can tell somebody if it's right or wrong
I just want to show what I can do
So sit right back while I'm talking to you
-Alright mates, are you ready to a party??!!-

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