Speechless Aladdin

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HF#mere comes a wave
Meant to wF#m9ash me awaF#my  
A tDide that is tEaking me F#munder

Swallowed in sand
Left with nF#m9othing to saF#my  
My vDoice drowned out in the thEunder
But I won't crDy
And I won't start to crC#m7umble  F#m   
Whenever they trDy
To shut me or cut me dC#7own

I won't be sF#m7ilenced
YDou can't keep me quEiet
Won't trC#m7emble when you tryD it
All I knBm7ow is I wC#m7on't go spF#meechleDss  E 

Cause F#m7I'll breathe
When thDey try to suffocEate me
Don't you C#m7underestimate meD 
Cause I knBm7ow that I wC#m7on't go speechless

WrF#mitten in stone
Every rF#m9ule, every woF#mrd 
CDenturies Eold and unbF#mending

Stay in your place
Better sF#m9een and not heF#mard
Well, nDow that story is Eending
Cause DI
I cannot start to crC#m7umble  F#m   
So come on and trDy
Try to shut me and cut me dC#7own

I won't be sF#m7ilenced
YDou can't keep me quEiet
Won't trC#m7emble when you tryD it
All I knBm7ow is I wC#m7on't go sF#mpeechless

Let the stF#m7orm in
DI cannot be brEoken
No, C#m7I won't live unspoDken
Cause I knBm7ow that I wC#m7on't go sF#mpeechless

Try to lDock me in this cEage
I won't just lAay me dE/G#own and dF#m7ie  
I will tDake these broken wBmings
And watch me bEurn across the sky
Hear the C#7echo saying I

Won't be sF#m7ilenced  D 
Though yEou want to see me trC#m7emble when you tryD it
All I knBm7ow is I wC#m7on't go speF#mechless

Cause F#m7I'll breathe
When thDey try to suffocEate me
Don't you C#m7underestimate meD 
Cause I knBm7ow that I wC#m7on't go sDpeechless
All I know is I won't go spBm7eechless

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