Dementia Blvd. Acid Drinkers


  • Song lyrics s314ryt
Let's meet at midnight
On madness alley
Have lots of time
Our walk will be long
Leave your pen, leave your camera
You'll write everything in spirit
You'll need to take courage
As well as patience

Let's meet at midnight

Let's meet at midnight
On madness alley
Have wide open eyes
Write everything in spirit
We'll drink with fear
We'll visit (Am) broken heart
We'll shake the hand of death
Decadence will be our guide

Smell of terror
Smile of idiots
Echo of the gun shot, gun shot

We'll meet at midnight
On madness alley
You gotta have a brave heart
Look around you
Shame, remorse
Lack of will
Do you think we'll be able to return

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