Starsza Muzykantka
Karma: 62
  • Born: 27 years ago
  • Location: Pomorze

Karma points

Action Karma Date
Sending song lyrics +2 2014-10-18 18:52:16
The message of the work's development +10 2012-11-03 16:10:27
The message of the work's development +10 2012-11-02 20:20:05
The message of the work's development +10 2012-11-02 20:13:11
The message of the work's development +10 2012-11-02 20:02:02
The message of the work's development +10 2012-11-02 19:46:02
The message of the work's development +10 2012-11-02 19:36:50